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This picture may not look like something very exciting, but it represents something quite meaningful for Kendalites. These 14 bags are filled with softly used clothing donated by residents and picked up by GreenDrop, which currently works — in our area — with the Military Order of the Purple Heart Foundation to benefit families of military service members. 

Photo by Joe Bruno

This is a Kendal tradition that is sadly fading. Before the Covid pandemic, several major seasonal drives yielded some 50 bags and boxes each. A pool of residents worked together to sort, box-up, and transport them to local churches and charities that gave clothing directly to indigent residents.

Sadly, the amazing resident who led the whole thing can no longer do so.

This is the perfect opportunity for someone with good organizational skills — or so-so organizational skills but knows someone to partner with — to say, “This is important. We can reorganize and set this up again!” Think about it . . . It’s the Kendal Way.