
Oh, Joy, oh Rapture! It is getting close to that time again. That time when the world opens up bright and shiny and they arrive. So squeezy, so colorful, so ready for action. Yes, it’s true. It’s . . .

. . . or, anyway, getting close to it.

Saturday, April 27 is the day — and it starts at 11 am (though the duckies really race a little later).

How important is this vaunted day? Well, Kendal on Hudson is one of the two Presenting Sponsors (the highest rank of sponsors). Ponder that!

Why is this day of all days important? It’s a major support for the Rotary Club of the Tarrytowns and all the good work they do. What good work? Click here to learn more.

Rubber Ducky Derby Day (which, if you practice, will come trippingly off the tongue) happens in Patriots Park right at the border of Sleepy Hollow and Tarrytown. There are booths. There are excited children. There are rubber duckies. What could possibly be better? Only one thing could be: donate!

Yes, it’s true, you, too, can back one or more duckies and have skin (or feathers) in the game. One ducky will cost you $10. But, wait, there’s more! A Six Quack can be yours for $50. And — be still, my heart — a Tub o’ Ducks comes in at $100. And — here’s the best part — you can name your ducky(s)! If you think you can stand all this excitement (or even if you can’t) click here for more information. Yes, that’s right, you can back your ducky(s) online.

Only 3 more weeks to plan! Better get ready to get your ducks in order!