Out and About

Way Out and About

Parisian Grafitti

Photo by Joe Bruno

White Cliffs of Dover

Photo by Gerry Mahoney

The Last Bit of Winter

Upstate New York at the end of March

Photo by Jeff O’Donnell

A Kendal Critique by a Young Writer

Often a writer’s origin story is buried in the distant past. This week we have the privilege of reading a first work — and an illustrated Kendal critique, to boot. Young Sylvia Horowitz — who just happens to be Carol and Philip Monteleoni’s granddaughter — has written a review of Kendal that is a must-read for all here and beyond. Nonno (that’s Grandpa to all you non-Italians) has provided — in honor of her accomplishment — a non-illustrated version.

Meet the Author

And Nonnon’s Homage:

All about Kendal on Hudson

by Sylvia B. Horowitz   [Age 6 and a half, First grade, PS 770, Brooklyn]

Have you heard of Kendal on Hudson? Does one of your family members live there? It is a community for old people. Only old people can live there.

I love Kendal because it has a pool. The pool is not open Sundays. I like the pool because it has a lot of pool toys. For example there are noodles.

I like Kendal because it has a lot of food in the cafeteria. For example my favorite is the hamburger.

Another reason I like it is because it is really fancy. For example they have really cool chandeliers.

And the last reason is there’s a lot of space. I give it ten out of ten stars.

I love Kendal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When you get old you should live there.

You’re going to love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!