Saying Thank You . . .

Thrilled you don’t have to cook a meal? Or do the dishes? Or clean up afterwards?

Or take out the garbage?

Or shovel the walk?

Grateful for a sympathetic hand when you are sick?

Just by living at Kendal, you get help of all kinds.

The things that make life at Kendal unique are provided by our staff, those you see and those behind the scenes. Unlike a doorman, or super, or handyman, our staff doesn’t get tips.

That’s why residents get together twice a year to show appreciation to all those who work here.

Remember, back before you came to Kendal: the tips you used to give in dribs and drabs — and how it added up! Now, with one check you can show how happy you are to be cared for by a staff of 200.

We request $250 per person or $500 for a couple. More is always appreciated.

That’s about a dollar a smile.
