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Democracy in Action

An ardent display of democracy occurred in Sleepy Hollow recently. And a Kendalite was right in the middle of it. The issue under debate was whether the town should or should not fly the traditional LGBT Pride flag each year in the month of June to honor Pride Month.

At the June 11 meeting of Sleepy Hollow’s Trustees, the public gathered to give testimony. Anne White was among them. To see the measured process of the meeting in a video of the meeting, click the button below. The testimony begins with its introduction by Mayor Rutyna at the 13:43 mark. Anne’s testimony begins at the 22:17 mark.

A motion to approve the flying of the flag was made and approved. On June 14, the flag was raised above Sleepy Hollow’s Village Hall in celebration of Pride Month. Anne White was there to help and celebrate.

Photo by The Hudson Independent Newspaper