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Why Are They Called “Restaurants”

The word “restaurant” literally means “food that restores” and once referred to broths.

French cuisine is often considered the epitome of fine dining, and that could be because French cooks are said to have launched the modern restaurant — and even invented the word “restaurant” itself. Many etymologists and historians attribute the origins of both to A. Boulanger, a Parisian soup vendor who set up shop in 1765. Boulanger peddled bouillons restaurants — so-called restorative meat and vegetable broths, from the French restaurer, meaning “to restore or refresh” — an act that wasn’t entirely revolutionary, since other cooks were selling healing soups from “health houses” around the same time. But Boulanger’s approach was different because he also offered a menu of other meals at a time when most taverns and vendors served just one option, dictated by the chef.

Boulanger’s concept of seating guests and allowing them to choose their desired meal exploded in popularity after the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century, as kitchen workers who formerly served aristocratic households set up their own dining rooms or joined new eateries. By 1804, French diners could choose from more than 500 restaurants across the country.

But, while the etymology of “restaurant” is settled, is that the true story of the origin of public feeding venues? Some historians disagree with this long-told tale of the restaurant’s origin, suggesting there isn’t much evidence by way of historical documentation to prove Boulanger was a real person. And others believe attributing the public dining room to French ingenuity isn’t wholly accurate, since humans have been offering up their cooking talent to the hungry masses for millennia. Take, for example, how Chinese chefs in major cities such as Kaifeng and Hangzhou customized menus to appeal to traveling businessmen looking for familiar meals nearly 700 years before France’s iteration of the restaurant. Or the excavated ruins at Pompeii dating to 79 CE that include ornately decorated food stalls called thermopolia, where hungry Romans could choose from a variety of ready-to-eat dishes. Though the names have differed, smart humans have been selling snacks to each other for a long, long time.

Source: Interestingfacts.com

Contributed by Jane Hart