In and Around

By the Rockets’ Red Glare

Whether on the near or the far banks of the Hudson, the Fourth of July is a time for the awe and beauty of fireworks.

The Nyack brand, seen reflected in the Hudson (and photographed by Art Brady):

Or Fireworks seen reflected in Clermont’s

Photo by Carolyn Reiss

Bocce, Kendal-Style

When it’s not too cold and not too hot — and, definitely not too wet — Kendal’s Bocce athletes come together on the Bocce Court (aka the lawn between Alida and Fulton) on Wednesdays at 1:30. On July 3, Pace students Alejandra and Jessica, interning with Physical Therapy, joined them.

Photo by Pete Roggemann

Yes, Goats Have Personalities, Too

“You lookin’ at me?!”

“Oh, my, are you looking at me?”

Photos by Mimi Abramovitz