The Village of Sleepy Hollow is in the process of developing a Climate Action Plan that will provide a comprehensive roadmap that outlines specific actions that the community can undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to future conditions. It sets clear, measurable goals, typically expressed as percentage reductions to be reached by the village.
The plan will detail a range of strategies and actions, such as energy efficiency improvements and sustainable transportation initiatives, to achieve these emission reduction targets. This document serves as a guideline for local governments, aiding them in contributing to broader climate mitigation and adaptation efforts.
The town’s efforts mesh nicely with Kendal’s “Values and Practices,” specifically #6:
To engage in practices that sustain and improve our environments and our planet
To learn more about Sleepy Hollow’s Climate Action planning, click below:
Indeed, we have an Environmental Stewardship Committee committed to furthering Kendal on Hudson’s engagement in conservation, sustainability, and leadership as outlined in the brochure Kendal Values and Practices. The committee continues to promote “reduce-reuse-recycle” by residents and encourage staff to commit to recycling. The committee urges reduction in the use of plastics and of energy, and supports the use of renewable energy sources and measures to lower interior and exterior pollution.
A mover-and-groover in that commitee is Anne White, whose Letter to the Editor, recently published in The Hudson Independent, extolled Sleepy Hollow’s plan and urged the governor to follow the town’s lead. To read Anne’s letter click below: