Interested in an Excellent Lecture about the Changing Zeitgeist regarding Race in the U.S.?

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If so, you’ll find this long video of a talk plus Q and A by Troy Duster, a past president of the American Sociological Association and retired Professor of Sociology at both the University of California, Berkeley and New York University, very interesting. Click here to see the introductions by the Director of Ashby Village in Berkeley, California and Arlie Hochschild, Professor Emerita of UC Berkeley, followed by Professor Duster’s talk and responses to interesting questions.

More Information about the Sleepy Hollow Mural Project

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Click here to get to their letter. While a copy of their letter is pasted below, the links in it do not seem to work.

Dear Residents: 

We're excited to announce a new temporary community mural happening along the RiverWalk in Sleepy Hollow, NY. The timeframe is fast and we want to involve as many community members as we can. Please participate and spread the word about this exciting project!  

Call for Ideas - Submission deadline is August 26, 2020

For ALL community members' participation.

Full pdf document attached and can be viewed here

Online submission form can be found here.

Call for Artist - Submission deadline is August 24, 2020

For Artists and Arts Educators.

Full pdf document attached and can be viewed here

Online submission form can be found here

Project Overview

Near the Tarrytown Lighthouse in Sleepy Hollow, is an old undulating wall composed of 65 concrete panels each measuring 8’ wide by 10’ tall. After this year, the panels will be removed as part of works required to transform this ex-industrial riverfront into a new spectacular public open space. Prior to their removal, they will become the canvas for a temporary participatory art mural, which will celebrate the community’s aspirations.

The Wishing Wall

Embracing the temporary nature of this community mural, the theme is aspirational, with the intent that when the wall comes down it will be releasing our wishes, making way for them to come true. Similar to blowing seeds off the head of a dandelion, cracking open a fortune cookie, or blowing out birthday candles. It's an opportunity to look forward together, sharing our hopes and dreams for the future and celebrating them collectively.

What do you wish for the future? What are your hopes and dreams for the future?  

This could be for yourself...for your loved ones...for our community...for the world.

Summary of Community Participation Opportunities 

Community members can get involved by: 

Contributing Ideas - Encouraging a wide variety of submissions from children’s drawings, written words, photos, collages, etc. that respond to the Wishing Wall themeVolunteer Painting - during scheduled or drop in times, either for paint by number or painting their own designs (with assistance from Community Arts Educator), directly adding to chalk wall sectionsDonating Paint - upcycle unused leftover house paint

Summary of Artist Opportunities 

Artists can apply to work on Collaborative Teams for one or more of the following phases described further below: 

Mural Design: (3-5 artists) splitting an honorarium of $1,500On-site Layout and Selected Painting of Mural: (4-8 artists) splitting an honorarium of $8,000 On-site Community Arts Education: compensation on a per hour basis; fee to be determined


August 24, 2020   Call for Artists submissions due

August 26, 2020   Call for Ideas (from community members) submissions due

August 27, 2020   Selected Artists notified

September 10, 2020 Mural Design presented to Planning Committee

September 12, 2020 Laying out of Mural Design on wall tentatively begins

September 15, 2020 Painting of Mural tentatively begins (2-3 week projected time to complete)

**If you would like to donate your old paint and/or painting supplies, please contact the Clerk's office to arrange for pick up.  366-5106 or 366-5113  Thank you!