Horticulture News

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Two Pleas From the Horticulture Committee

Hands Off, Please! It is unfortunately necessary to remind residents and staff that flowers, herbs, and vegetables grown in the planters on the Terrace belong to the individual residents who tend those planters. They are not for the public to take without permission.

The exception is the Residents’ Herb Planter-- the second one north of Clermont. It is identified by a sign and an effigy of a butterfly on a stake.

Overwatering: Persons watering the planters on the Terrace sometimes empty their hoses into nearby beds, thinking to help the plants by giving them plenty to drink. However, this well-intentioned practice can actually harm or kill the plants by drowning their roots. It’s better to use the water remaining in the hose after shutting it off to flush away debris around the planters. Also, please remember to shut the hoses off in the proper sequence: first the spigot next to the wall; then the little flip-up levers on the hose connector; then empty the hose using the trigger on the spray head and return the hose to its container as neatly coiled as you can. These expandable hoses, so light in weight and easy to handle, cost $50 apiece, and the money for replacing them ultimately comes out of our rent.