William Shakespeare Went to Get Vaccinated

Nurse: Which arm?
Shakespeare: *As you like it*

Nurse: Was that painful?
Shakespeare:*Much ado about nothing.*

Nurse: You will have to have a second jab.
Shakespeare: *Measure for measure?*

Nurse: So, how was the experience?
Shakespeare: *A midsummer night's dream!*

Nurse: So what do you think of the govt handling of Covid?
Shakespeare: it's a *Comedy of Errors.*

Shakespeare now asks the nurse:

Shakespeare: When will my quarantine end?
Nurse: On the *Twelfth Night.*

Shakespeare: Who will foot my quarantine bill?
Nurse: *The Merchant of Venice.*

Shakespeare: Where will I be put up for my quarantine?
Nurse: In a *Hamlet.*

Shakespeare: Thank you for helping me!
Nurse: *All's Well That Ends Well.*

Thanks to Maria Harris for sending it.