Accessible Movies

Accessibility at the Jacob Burns

Movie-going used to be such fun. You got your popcorn — or whatever critical film food that called to you— settled down in your seat, and — presto, chango! — you were transported. Now, many have left movies behind because of hearing, seeing, or moving problems. Behold the Jacob Burns Film Center (JBFC)! To paraphrase a recent (February 4, 2023) blog:

The JBFC is fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design. When it comes to physical access within their buildings, all five theaters — as well as the Jane Peck Gallery — are wheelchair accessible. In addition, they have ADA compliant bathrooms and signage with braille included throughout our facilities.

For their theater seating, they offer wheelchair spaces, companion seats, and designated accessible seats for anyone with limited physical mobility and/or vision loss.

The JBFC also provides assistive devices for filmgoers with vision and hearing loss, including closed captioning glasses, headphone receivers, a hearing loop system, and weekly open captioned screenings.

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