The Show Did Go On!
She who organizes everything: Muriel Fox awaits the start of the festivities and her role as EmCee . . .
Frank Neuwirth reads the Declaration of Independence. He first explained that the honor falls to him since he — and Bill Rakower — were there at the time.
Under Bob Singleton direction, the Kendal Singers provide song . . .
. . . and the audience joins in “America the Beautiful”
To break the serious mood, Jon Masters, Mike Kornfield, Greg Lozier, and Philip Monteleoni perform “A Little Tin Box” from the musical Fiorello, accompanied by Linda Mahoney. They brought it up to date with a new verse about “a little gold bar in his wife’s car.”
Jon Masters with his best “Who me?!”
And a surprise Thank-You bouquet to exceptional accompanist Linda Mahoney Herring
And, finally, the item long awaited: a debate. The question: Who was the worst president before the 21st century?
Carol Monteleoni, quoting many historians, makes her case for James Buchanan.
Norman Sissman discusses the presidency of Andrew Johnson.
Ann White delivers her argument for Warren G. Harding.
All those in favor . . .
The majority rules. “Winner” of the Worst President before the 21st century goes to [drum roll] . . . Andrew Johnson.
And the evening is wrapped up with a lusty rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.