Covid Update

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On April 15, we received the following Covid-19 update from Kendal Management.

We are taking proactive steps forward while continuing to apply what we’ve learned about best infection control practices in managing COVID-19.

• No changes have been made in the past week to room capacities for group gatherings.

• MASK REMINDERS: Vaccinated residents participating in group gatherings/activities – outside of the common use areas – may decide to unmask based on personal comfort level. All residents are reminded that masks are required while in hallways and common areas (i.e., Resident Lounge, Library).

• Tents are up throughout the grounds and on the Terrace.

  • Tents in the front parking area (outside of the main entrance) are designated primarily for Adirondack residents and their guests for reserved visits. They may be used by others when not reserved.

  • Tents specifically designated for Sunnyside and Clearwater are set up in their respective garden areas.

The large tent has returned to the Terrace. It is available for use by residents and their visitors. This is a change from last summer when the Terrace was designated only for residents.

• Visitation is open in Clearwater, Sunnyside and Adirondack...reservations are required for visits. Reservations are made by calling x1041. All guests are expected to adhere to the core principles of infection control including masks and social distancing.

• Adirondack residents may eat in the Formal Dining Room (FDR) if invited by an Independent Living resident for dinner. If hosting an Adirondack resident in the FDR, please let the Adirondack staff know by calling x1063 so that the resident can be “signed out” for the visit to the FDR.

Vision Help News

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Attention all residents:

The Vision Help Committee would like to compile a list of resident volunteers to read mail to the low-vision members of our community. If you would like to help, please contact Amelia Augustus.

The visually challenged should know that there are a few items housed in the Kendal library compiled by Muriel Hahn. They include a catalogue from Maxi- Aides of helpful devices. If you have any information to add, please place it in the drawer provided for our materials.

Discussion Group to Hear From Priest

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The Contemporary Issues Discussion Group (CIDG) announced that Father John Vigilanti, the Pastor at the Church of the Magdalene in Pocantico Hills, NY will be the lead discussant at its April 22 session which takes place at 10:00 am. He will be talking about “The Priesthood in the Post Pandemic World”.

Fa­ther John, a for­mer army chap­lain who re­tired as a Colonel, had been pres­i­dent of the Acad­emy of Mount St. Ur­su­la’s, a Catholic girls prepara­tory school in the Bronx, for eight years be­fore he ar­rived at Church of the Mag­da­lene. He is a special friend to many of all religions at Kendal. This will be his third appearance before a CIDG audience, though his first via Zoom.

The CIDG discussions start at 10:00 am each Thursday morning. Those who have not signed up previously and wish to hear/see Father John can do so by contacting Gene DuBow.

Covid-19 Update

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[This update was received from Kendal Management on April 8, 2021]

We are hopefully (and cautiously) evaluating “what is next” in reopening our community. COVID-19 is not gone, but we recognize the importance of establishing our next normal within this journey we are on. Resident Committees and groups will begin to gather more frequently in person, and some previous programming that has been on a long pause will be restarting. To support resident activity, room capacity for the following spaces has increased:

• Gathering Room – 32

• Riverview Conference Room – 18

• Art Room – 12

• Craft Room – 10

• Transportation capacity is also increasing to accommodate more riders; capacity varies by vehicle. All occupants must be masked during transport.

All residents are reminded that masks are required while in hallways and common areas (i.e., Resident Lounge, Library). Vaccinated residents participating in group gatherings/activities – outside of the common use areas – may decide to unmask based on personal comfort level.

Changes to Visitation in Clearwater, Sunnyside, and Adirondack

After months, the Department of Health has issued new guidance that makes visitation much more flexible and available for residents in Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing settings. Reservations are required for visiting – this allows us to know how many guests we have at any given time to any area and further allows us to be able to contact- trace should the need occur

The main takeaway from the changes is that visitation will no longer be “paused” for 14 day periods should there be a positive staff case. Instead, there are short periods when visitation may need to be paused while initial testing occurs.

The new guidelines continue to require Kendal on Hudson to ensure that “core infection control protocols and best practices” are followed during visits. We have fashioned our new program/policies to address these requirements. All visitors are expected to adhere to the core principles of infection control. The Department of Health expects Kendal on Hudson to enforce this; masks must be worn and social distancing should be practiced regardless of vaccination status.

The current guidelines for dining and activities in Clearwater, Sunnyside and Adirondack include:

• Social visits outside of Kendal are allowed without requiring a COVID test to return

• During dining and activities, residents must remain socially distanced

Specific for Adirondack residents

  • The lunch-time meal may be enjoyed (socially distanced) with other Adirondack residents in the Formal Dining Room or via delivery to individual apartments

  • Adirondack residents may dine in the Formal Dining Room if invited by an IL resident for dinner *

  • Adirondack residents may participate in IL community activities *

* Subject to change upon the COVID status of the specific resident and Adirondack neighborhood.

Refresher Practice Zoom Sessions

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To help residents who wish to access Zoom for a meeting or a course and are having problems, the Computer Committee is offering Refresher Practice Zoom Sessions.

Building on lessons from our first Refresher Zoom Practice, the Computer Committee is offering TWO more ZOOM practice sessions: 


 -ONE DEDICATED TO ZOOMS FROM CELL PHONES (especially useful for those planning to be away but wishing to stay connected for Zoom meetings).

If you sign up, you will receive a Zoom Invitation. You will also receive a Reminder on the day of--or the day before-- the session.

Together we will take turns:

    -Turning our video faces on and off;

    -Seeing all faces or only the Speaker’s;

    -Turning our microphone audio on and off;

    -Raising and lowering our Zoom hands (muting, unmuting, asking questions, lowering our Zoom hands.)

If you are interested in EITHER or BOTH of these refresher practice Zooms, get in touch with Roberta Poupon. Convenient times--probably on a Wednesday in late April-- will be arranged. Each session will be about 40 minutes.

And if there is anything else that you would like to practice on Zoom, just ask.

Residents Council Zoom Meeting

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On Monday, April 12, at 2:00 pm the Residents Council will hold its monthly Zoom meeting.


Welcome to attendees: Hank Schacht

Remembrance of deceased residents

Welcome to new residents

Approval of minutes of Residents Council meeting March 8, 2021


Chair - Hank Schacht

Treasurer - Len Andrew

Investment Committee - Len Andrew

Kendal on Hudson Board - John Sorice

Management - Pamela Klapproth

Committee Reports:

Election Committee - Janet Schloat

Vision Help Committee - Amelia Augustus

Spring Staff Appreciation Fund - Maria

Residents’ questions and comments


Executive Session


Future Meetings:

Quarterly Association Meeting, Monday, April
19, 7:30 pm – Webinar

Monthly Council Meeting, Monday, May 10,
2 pm – Webinar

Monthly Council Meeting, Monday, June 14,
2 pm – Webinar


If you have an email address, you will receive an email with the link for this Zoom Webinar.

You no longer need to click the link and type information. When it’s time to join the meeting, you can click on the link. One hour before the meeting, you will receive an email reminder including the same link. Please click the link 15 minutes or so before the meeting to join it.

Zoom Webinar allows you to see and hear the meeting, but be aware that your audio will be automatically muted, and your video will not be shown. If you are unable to join the meeting, you can watch it on Channel 970 at a later date and time TBA.



They don’t come very often, but when they do, it’s a great example of Mother Nature at work.

Every 17 years a horde of cicadas will emerge from the ground if they have not been poisoned by zealous lawn treatments. We can expect them soon.

Maybe thousands, millions, billions of them. That’s a lot of insects and they are not exactly pretty. We should not be alarmed to see them crawling around and climbing trees for a few weeks. If you enjoy the sound of the railroad passing by, you will love their song which is quite similar to a freight train and about as loud. They don’t bite or sting.

Do welcome them to Kendal and environs as a sign that Mom Nature is still busy doing her job. And please don’t step on them.

“The Great Tours-Ireland and Northern Ireland”

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The Great Tours Program continues. The next segment, “The Great Tours-Ireland and Northern Ireland” will start on April 24-25 from 3 pm to 4 pm on Kendal Channel 970.

Ireland is a place of song and story, lush green landscape and tragic history, incredible art and literature, and majestic cathedrals and castles. 

To travel there is to immerse yourself in one of the most beautiful, culturally rich, and historically fascinating countries in the world.

In this 24-lecture series, we will traverse the entirety of the Emerald Isle, from its capital city of Dublin to the midland counties, the coastal stretch from the south to the west, up to the northwestern counties, and then into Northern Ireland.

 Course leader Marc C. Conner, President of Skidmore College, earned his master’s and doctorate in English at Princeton.  Previously Professor of English at Washington and Lee University, he also served as its provost and chief academic officer from 2016 to 2020. 

He is a specialist in modern literature, particularly Irish and American literature. 

From 3 pm to 4 pm each Saturday/Sunday, beginning April 24/25, two half-hour lectures will be presented on Channel 970. This joint project of the Education Committee and Channel 970 is offered as a way to bring interesting weekend programs to residents.

We hope you enjoy it.

Covid-19 Update

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The Kendal Covid-19 update for this past week has been outstanding. There have been no new Covid positives in the last 7 days. There are no residents recovering in-house or outside. Total zeros across the board.

As far as staff is concerned, things have gotten a lot better. There have been no Covid positives in the last week. Currently there are 3 recovering outside and 2 currently out due to exposure.

Our Independent Living residents are enjoying being able to eat together in the Dining Room.

Masking and distance requirements are still in effect, but a modicum of normalcy has returned, for which we are all very happy.