Happy Muriel Fox Day! And about time, too!
Muriel was a Co-Founder of NOW — the National Organization for Women — and the powerful NOW LegalDeffense and Education Fund, pivotal forces in the Second Wave Feminist Movement. And for the week of June 24, Westchester County will formally say Thank You with Muriel Fox Day — proclaimed and endorsed by none other than the county itself.
The second wave broadened the scope of the first wave’s (late 19th/early 20th century) debate to include a wider range of issues: sexuality, family, domesticity, the workplace, reproductive rights, de facto inequalities, and official legal inequalities. Second-wave feminism also brought attention to issues of domestic violence and marital rape, created rape crisis centers and women’s shelters, and brought about changes in custody law and divorce law.
We would say more but could never compete with her new memoir “The Women’s Revolution: How We Changed Your Life” or with Muriel’s June 24 (7:30pm) program, in the Gathering Room, on her experiences, achievements . . . and book.
On June 26, from 4-6 pm, there will be a refreshment-laden Book Party for Muriel and her book. If you wish to purchase the book — at a Kendal-only 20% discount — go to Dianne Morris’ apartment (1217) between 4 and 6 pm. Then, Muriel will sign the book in the Gathering Room.
Staff Appreciation Day
Last week we said a big Thank You to our staff — those who prepare and serve us meals, clean our apartments, fix what needs fixin’, soothe our fevered brows, and otherwise make life as lovely as it is here at KoH.
The celebration included festive eats and each Thank You envelope featured an original design by Jane Hart.